Cold stamping
Cold stamping is a metal deformation process in which wire cut to length is deformed at room temperature by insertion into steel or hard metal matrices arranged in 2 or more stations.
This process takes place by applying very high pressures that deform the material but without reaching its breaking point. Very complicated parts can be achieved with little material loss and at a high speed, producing long series of identical parts at a low cost.
Once at the stations, a range of operations are covered, covering the entire cold forming process. Cutting, calibrating, extruding, stressing and even ejecting the part, there is a type of punch for each action, with a specific geometry, material and coating better suited to what you want to achieve.
Later, the qualities of the tool can be improved with a coating. Each coating will provide additional specific qualities to the tool.
The experience of our technicians allows us develop, to drawings, the manufacture of punches of any diameter, length and tolerance.
We solve any emergency you may have.